2020 (4)
Of these billionaires, who would do the best job as president of the United States?
Who would be your top choice for Democratic Presidential candidate in 2020?
In the next US presidential election, do you intend to vote for the same party you voted for in 2016?
If you had to pick from the candidates below, who would be your choice for the Republican presidential primary in 2020?
2nd Amendment (11)
Should politicians who have accepted money from the NRA be able to vote on 2nd amendment issues?
The 2nd amendment reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." To me this means:
Are you in favor of reinstating the Federal Assault Weapons Ban that was in place from 1994-2004?
Do you think Wayne LaPierre is doing a good job as head of the NRA?
Should people on the terrorist watch list be able to legally purchase a gun in the U.S.?
Are you in favor of closing the "gun show loophole"?
Do you own a gun?
Should the CDC study gun violence?
Should people with a concealed carry permit in one state have reciprocity to conceal carry their firearm in every other state?
Do you think the sale of bump-fire gunstocks should be illegal?
In February 2017, Republicans passed and Trump signed into law a bill revoking an Obama policy making it more difficult for those with severe mental health problems to buy guns. Which is closest to your opinion about this?
Bernie (2)
Bernie Sanders has proposed ending some tax breaks for the richest citizens and corporations in order to fund a federal program that would guarantee a $15/hr wage and healthcare to anyone who wants a job. Are you in favor of this proposal?
If the 2020 US presidential election is between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, who do you vote for?
Biden (1)
Who do you prefer, Biden or Trump?
Business (7)
Which of these companies would you most like to work for?
Which of these companies do you like the least?
If prices for your flight were the same, which airline would you choose?
Andrew Yang has proposed a Universal Basic Income of $1,000 a month for every American over age 18. Are you in favor of this?
If Nestle is proven to be in drastic non-compliance with its water rights in San Bernardino County - extracting hundreds of millions of gallons illegally even during extreme drought - what should their punishment be?
What should be the U.S. stance on marijuana?
The U.S. currently has good economic growth and low unemployment numbers. Who should get more of the credit for this?
Cabinet (1)
Do you agree with Trump's decision to replace Rex Tillerson with Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State?
California (2)
If Nestle is proven to be in drastic non-compliance with its water rights in San Bernardino County - extracting hundreds of millions of gallons illegally even during extreme drought - what should their punishment be?
Is smoke from wildfires currently having an effect on your health?
China (2)
Which nation do you think is a bigger long-term threat to the prosperity of the United States?
The Trump administration recently announced a 30% tariff on Chinese solar panels. What do you think about it?
Congress (6)
Should politicians who have accepted donations from Telecom companies be able to vote on Net Neutrality?
Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way your Congressperson is handling their job as your representative?
Should the United States outlaw the practice of gerrymandering?
If congressional elections were being held today, which party's candidate would you vote for in your congressional district?
Should ethics rules be enforced that prevent elected officials from participating in any votes that could potentially influence the business of their corporate donors?
Were you satisfied by the questions that Senators asked of Mark Zuckerberg in the Congressional Hearings?
Democrats (9)
Who would you most like to be the Democrat vice presidential candidate in 2024?
If Mt. Rushmore were to add another president (currently Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, T Roosevelt), who should be added?
Who do you think will be the next US president after Trump?
Who would be your top choice for Democratic Presidential candidate in 2020?
Do you agree with Elizabeth Warren's plan to forgive student debt?
If congressional elections were being held today, which party's candidate would you vote for in your congressional district?
Overall, your view of the Democratic Party is:
What is your opinion of Hillary Clinton?
Do you think the Democrats will win back the house in 2018 midterm elections?
Domestic Policy (1)
Do you think the U.S. needs a third major political party?
Echo Park (3)
Are you in favor of allowing developers to get TOC density bonuses in Echo Park?
What is the most important issue Echo Park faces?
Are you in favor of a subway under Sunset?
Economy (12)
Which of these companies would you most like to work for?
Are you in favor of a Green New Deal?
What would the overall impact of Brexit be?
Do you agree with Elizabeth Warren's plan to forgive student debt?
What will be the overall result of Trump's trade war with China?
Andrew Yang has proposed a Universal Basic Income of $1,000 a month for every American over age 18. Are you in favor of this?
Is your cost of monthly healthcare going up this year?
What is your opinion on crypto-currency?
Are you in favor of the Republican Tax Plan?
Who was most to blame for the US government shutdown?
The U.S. currently has good economic growth and low unemployment numbers. Who should get more of the credit for this?
Did the US government shutdown negatively affect you?
Elections (22)
Do you trust the results of the 2020 US Presidential Election?
Should USA abolish the Electoral College and switch to a popular vote?
Of these billionaires, who would do the best job as president of the United States?
How long do you think Donald Trump will serve as President?
Who do you think will be the next US president after Trump?
Who would be your top choice for Democratic Presidential candidate in 2020?
Should it be mandatory for presidential candidates to release their tax returns?
In the next US presidential election, do you intend to vote for the same party you voted for in 2016?
If you had to pick from the candidates below, who would be your choice for the Republican presidential primary in 2020?
Do you think that the United States is doing enough to protect the integrity of future elections from Russian hacking and influence?
Does Donald Trump Jr.'s contact with the Russians and Wikileaks constitute collusion?
Do you consider Russia's attempts to affect U.S. elections an act of war?
Washington, D.C. may lower the voting age to 16 starting in 2020. At what age should you be able to vote in elections?
Are you in favor of Campaign Finance Reform?
Should the United States outlaw the practice of gerrymandering?
Do you think the U.S. needs a third major political party?
Did you vote in the last U.S. presidential election?
Do you intend to vote in the next U.S. presidential election?
If congressional elections were being held today, which party's candidate would you vote for in your congressional district?
Are you in favor of impeaching Trump?
Why do you think Russia tries to affect the outcome of U.S. elections in favor of Republicans?
Do you think the Democrats will win back the house in 2018 midterm elections?
Energy (5)
Would you rather have a new electric car of your choice or a new gas powered car of your choice?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for oil drilling?
The Trump administration recently announced a 30% tariff on Chinese solar panels. What do you think about it?
Are you in favor of the Trump announcement to open almost all of US coastal waters to oil and gas drilling - even those that have been previously protected?
Are you in favor of the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines?
Entertainment (1)
Who is your favorite late-night TV host?
Environment (8)
Which do you think is the greatest threat to human existence?
Are you in favor of a Green New Deal?
Would you rather have a new electric car of your choice or a new gas powered car of your choice?
If Nestle is proven to be in drastic non-compliance with its water rights in San Bernardino County - extracting hundreds of millions of gallons illegally even during extreme drought - what should their punishment be?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for oil drilling?
Do you agree with the Trump administration decision to shrink the size of Bear's Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante national monuments?
Are you in favor of the Trump announcement to open almost all of US coastal waters to oil and gas drilling - even those that have been previously protected?
Are you in favor of the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines?
EPNCSurvey (8)
Do you live in Echo Park?
Do you work in Echo Park?
Other than through work, what is your strongest connection to Echo Park?
Does Echo Park need more or less Low Income Housing?
Does Echo Park need more or less Short term rental / AirBnB?
Agree or Disagree: Current public transit services in Echo Park today are adequate.
What height should new developments be limited to along Sunset Blvd?
Should new high density developments be required to include at least one parking space for every unit?
EU (1)
What would the overall impact of Brexit be?
Europe (1)
What would the overall impact of Brexit be?
FBI (1)
What is your opinion of James Comey?
Foreign Affairs (18)
Which country is the biggest threat towards world peace?
Do you believe Donald Trump is a puppet of Vladimir Putin?
What will be the overall result of Trump's trade war with China?
Which nation do you think is a bigger long-term threat to the prosperity of the United States?
Do you think there will be a successful two-state solution between Palestine and Israel in your lifetime?
What is your opinion of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu?
Which of the following is closest to your opinion of what happened on September 11, 2001?
What is your opinion of Julian Assange?
What is your opinion of Vladimir Putin?
The Trump administration recently announced a 30% tariff on Chinese solar panels. What do you think about it?
Do you agree with the Trump administration decision to suspend nearly all security aid to Pakistan until they take "decisive steps" towards combating terrorism?
Which closest describes your reaction to hearing Donald Trump refer to Haiti and African countries as "shithole countries"?
Should Mike Pence have stood at the Olympics Opening Games Ceremony when North and South Korea entered under one flag?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Iran Nuclear Deal?
What is your opinion of the Iran Nuclear Deal signed in 2015?
Why do you think Russia tries to affect the outcome of U.S. elections in favor of Republicans?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to replace Rex Tillerson with Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem?
Gun Violence (8)
The 2nd amendment reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." To me this means:
Are you in favor of reinstating the Federal Assault Weapons Ban that was in place from 1994-2004?
Do you think Wayne LaPierre is doing a good job as head of the NRA?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to end the national registry for mental health and substance abuse programs?
Are you in favor of closing the "gun show loophole"?
Should the CDC study gun violence?
Do you think the sale of bump-fire gunstocks should be illegal?
In February 2017, Republicans passed and Trump signed into law a bill revoking an Obama policy making it more difficult for those with severe mental health problems to buy guns. Which is closest to your opinion about this?
Health (4)
Is your cost of monthly healthcare going up this year?
If well-implemented, would you be in favor of a single payer health care system?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to end the national registry for mental health and substance abuse programs?
Is smoke from wildfires currently having an effect on your health?
Immigration (2)
Which is closest to the right approach for securing the US border with Mexico?
Do you support or oppose DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) - which grants temporary legal status to "dreamers"?
Iran (2)
Do you agree with Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Iran Nuclear Deal?
What is your opinion of the Iran Nuclear Deal signed in 2015?
Law (1)
According to USAToday, In 2017 70% of the sales of Trump owned properties went to anonymous buyers. Should Trump related business transactions need to show full transparency?
Los Angeles (1)
Are you in favor of Los Angeles hosting the 2028 Summer Olympics?
Media (8)
Which of these companies do you like the least?
Which social media platform do you like most?
Who is your favorite late-night TV host?
Who is your favorite weekly late-night host?
Of these news organizations, the one that you trust more is:
Do you generally trust the news media?
What is your opinion of Julian Assange?
Were you offended by Michelle Wolf's speech at the Correspondents Dinner?
Middle East (1)
Do you agree with Trump's decision to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem?
Military (1)
Are you in favor of Trump's proposal for a military parade on Veterans Day?
Mueller (2)
Are you in favor of impeaching Trump?
Do you think that anyone from the Trump campaign will spend any time in jail for crimes related to collusion with the Russian government?
Natural Resources (4)
If Nestle is proven to be in drastic non-compliance with its water rights in San Bernardino County - extracting hundreds of millions of gallons illegally even during extreme drought - what should their punishment be?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for oil drilling?
Do you agree with the Trump administration decision to shrink the size of Bear's Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante national monuments?
Are you in favor of the Trump announcement to open almost all of US coastal waters to oil and gas drilling - even those that have been previously protected?
New York (1)
Should the city of New York institute congestion pricing for vehicles driving south of 60th Street in Manhattan?
Obama (3)
What is your opinion of Barack Obama?
What is your opinion of the Iran Nuclear Deal signed in 2015?
The U.S. currently has good economic growth and low unemployment numbers. Who should get more of the credit for this?
People (1)
What is your opinion of Narendra Modi?
Police (1)
Should all police be required to wear body cameras at all times while on duty?
Politicians (11)
Who will you vote for in the 2024 election for US President?
Should politicians who have accepted money from the NRA be able to vote on 2nd amendment issues?
Do you agree with Elizabeth Warren's plan to forgive student debt?
Is Nancy Pelosi doing a good job as Speaker of the House?
What is your opinion of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez?
What is your opinion of James Comey?
What is your opinion of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein?
What is your opinion of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu?
What is your opinion of Hillary Clinton?
What is your opinion of Sarah Huckabee Sanders?
Should Mike Pence have stood at the Olympics Opening Games Ceremony when North and South Korea entered under one flag?
Politics (3)
Who will you vote for in the 2024 election for US President?
Who would you most like to be the Democrat vice presidential candidate in 2024?
Andrew Yang has proposed a Universal Basic Income of $1,000 a month for every American over age 18. Are you in favor of this?
Religion (1)
Should the Church of Scientology have tax-exempt status?
Republicans (10)
If Mt. Rushmore were to add another president (currently Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, T Roosevelt), who should be added?
Who do you think will be the next US president after Trump?
If you had to pick from the candidates below, who would be your choice for the Republican presidential primary in 2020?
If congressional elections were being held today, which party's candidate would you vote for in your congressional district?
Overall, your view of the Republican party is:
Which of the following is closest to your opinion of what happened on September 11, 2001?
Are you in favor of the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines?
Are you in favor of the Republican Tax Plan?
Of these members of the Trump Cabinet, whom do you like the most?
Of these members of the Trump Cabinet, whom do you like the least?
Russia (9)
Do you believe Donald Trump is a puppet of Vladimir Putin?
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Robert Mueller handled the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election?
Do you think that the United States is doing enough to protect the integrity of future elections from Russian hacking and influence?
Does Donald Trump Jr.'s contact with the Russians and Wikileaks constitute collusion?
Do you consider Russia's attempts to affect U.S. elections an act of war?
Which nation do you think is a bigger long-term threat to the prosperity of the United States?
What is your opinion of Vladimir Putin?
Do you think that anyone from the Trump campaign will spend any time in jail for crimes related to collusion with the Russian government?
Why do you think Russia tries to affect the outcome of U.S. elections in favor of Republicans?
Science (3)
Which do you think is the greatest threat to human existence?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for oil drilling?
Do you think the Space Force is a good idea?
Senate (3)
Should politicians who have accepted donations from Telecom companies be able to vote on Net Neutrality?
Should ethics rules be enforced that prevent elected officials from participating in any votes that could potentially influence the business of their corporate donors?
Were you satisfied by the questions that Senators asked of Mark Zuckerberg in the Congressional Hearings?
Social Media (3)
Should Facebook allow political adds that contain false information?
Which social media platform do you like most?
Were you satisfied by the questions that Senators asked of Mark Zuckerberg in the Congressional Hearings?
Society (3)
What would the overall impact of Brexit be?
Your view of Millenials as a group is:
What is your opinion on crypto-currency?
Space (1)
Do you think the Space Force is a good idea?
Sports (13)
Who do you consider the the best golfer in the world currently?
Who do you consider the best golfer of all time?
Who do you consider the best soccer player of all time?
Who is the best active soccer player?
Who do you consider the best basketball player of all time?
Who is the best active NBA player?
Who do you consider the best baseball player of all time?
Who is the best active baseball player?
Who do you consider the best football player of all time?
Who do you consider the best athlete of all time?
When you see NFL players kneel do you feel they are disrespecting our soldiers and country or are they trying to express discontent with the way racial injustices are resolved in our justice system?
Overall, your view of Colin Kaepernick is that he is:
Are you in favor of Los Angeles hosting the 2028 Summer Olympics?
Supreme Court (1)
Should Brett Kavanaugh be on the Supreme Court?
Taxes (5)
Should it be mandatory for presidential candidates to release their tax returns?
Should the Church of Scientology have tax-exempt status?
Bernie Sanders has proposed ending some tax breaks for the richest citizens and corporations in order to fund a federal program that would guarantee a $15/hr wage and healthcare to anyone who wants a job. Are you in favor of this proposal?
What should be the U.S. stance on marijuana?
Are you in favor of the Republican Tax Plan?
Technology (2)
Do you personally know anyone who is against net neutrality?
Were you satisfied by the questions that Senators asked of Mark Zuckerberg in the Congressional Hearings?
Terrorism (3)
Which country is the biggest threat towards world peace?
Which of the following is closest to your opinion of what happened on September 11, 2001?
Do you agree with the Trump administration decision to suspend nearly all security aid to Pakistan until they take "decisive steps" towards combating terrorism?
Travel (1)
If prices for your flight were the same, which airline would you choose?
Trump (27)
Who do you prefer, Biden or Trump?
What is your level of approval / disapproval of the Trump presidency?
How long do you think Donald Trump will serve as President?
Do you believe Donald Trump is a puppet of Vladimir Putin?
How is Trump doing as president, in comparison to what you expected?
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Robert Mueller handled the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election?
Does Donald Trump Jr.'s contact with the Russians and Wikileaks constitute collusion?
According to USAToday, In 2017 70% of the sales of Trump owned properties went to anonymous buyers. Should Trump related business transactions need to show full transparency?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to end the national registry for mental health and substance abuse programs?
Are you in favor of impeaching Trump?
If the 2020 US presidential election is between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, who do you vote for?
The Trump administration recently announced a 30% tariff on Chinese solar panels. What do you think about it?
Do you agree with the Trump administration decision to shrink the size of Bear's Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante national monuments?
Are you in favor of the Trump announcement to open almost all of US coastal waters to oil and gas drilling - even those that have been previously protected?
What do you think of the Trump administration plan to ask about citizenship status on the census?
Do you agree with the Trump administration decision to suspend nearly all security aid to Pakistan until they take "decisive steps" towards combating terrorism?
Are you in favor of Trump's proposal for a military parade on Veterans Day?
Which closest describes your reaction to hearing Donald Trump refer to Haiti and African countries as "shithole countries"?
Who was most to blame for the US government shutdown?
Do you think that anyone from the Trump campaign will spend any time in jail for crimes related to collusion with the Russian government?
The U.S. currently has good economic growth and low unemployment numbers. Who should get more of the credit for this?
Did the US government shutdown negatively affect you?
Why do you think Russia tries to affect the outcome of U.S. elections in favor of Republicans?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to replace Rex Tillerson with Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State?
Of these members of the Trump Cabinet, whom do you like the most?
Of these members of the Trump Cabinet, whom do you like the least?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem?
UK (1)
What would the overall impact of Brexit be?
Voting (10)
What is your level of approval / disapproval of the Trump presidency?
Should USA abolish the Electoral College and switch to a popular vote?
Should it be mandatory for presidential candidates to release their tax returns?
Should politicians who have accepted donations from Telecom companies be able to vote on Net Neutrality?
Washington, D.C. may lower the voting age to 16 starting in 2020. At what age should you be able to vote in elections?
Are you in favor of Campaign Finance Reform?
Should the United States outlaw the practice of gerrymandering?
If well-implemented, would you be in favor of a single payer health care system?
If the 2020 US presidential election is between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, who do you vote for?
Should ethics rules be enforced that prevent elected officials from participating in any votes that could potentially influence the business of their corporate donors?
Missing Mapbox GL JS CSS
Do you agree with Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Iran Nuclear Deal?
Do you agree with Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Iran Nuclear Deal?
I don't know